Grace United Church


Such as....

Religious Education for all ages- Sunday mornings at 11:15

Bible Study at the Worship Center on Tuesday evenings at 7:00

A book club at the Worship Center, Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

Special events:

     Visiting speakers

     A Lenten series

     A trip to a local monastery

We love to learn!  Whether it’s Sunday morning or weekday evenings, there’s always something educational available at our church.

We have Sunday School for all ages after worship.  There’s a book study and Bible study that meet on alternating Tuesdays.   We have a lenten study series.  We bring in other special speakers from time to time.  We hold special activities in the summer.

We don’t assume that we have all the answers.  We DO assume that  we will at least figure out what the questions are, and will come closer to answers if we study together and listen to each other!